酒精燈alcohol lamp
一次性注射器 disposable syringe
升降臺lab jack
鐵架臺iron support
萬能夾extension clamp
蝴蝶夾double-buret clamp
雙頂絲clamp regular holder
止水夾flatjaw pinchcock
圓形漏斗架cast-iron ring
移液管架pipet rack
試管架tube rack
沸石boiling stone
橡膠管rubber tubing
藥匙lab spoon
坩堝鉗crucible tong
打孔器stopper borer
石棉網(wǎng)asbestos-free wire gauze
電爐絲wire coil for heater
脫脂棉absorbent cottonph
ph試紙 universal ph indicator paper
濾紙 filter paper
稱量紙weighing paper
擦鏡紙wiper for lens
量杯glass graduates with scale
白滴定管(酸) flint glass burette with glass stopcock
棕色滴定管(酸) brown glass burette with glass stopcock
白滴定管(堿) flint glass burette for alkali
棕色滴定管(堿) brown glass burette for alkali
比重瓶specific gravity bottle
水銀溫度計mercury-filled thermometer
ph計ph meter
真空泵vacuum pump
磁力攪拌器magnetic stirrer
電動攪拌器power basic stirrer
閃點儀flash point tester
電爐 heater
微波爐電熱套heating mantle
Bunsen burner 本生燈
product 化學反應產物
apparatus 設備
PH indicator PH值指示劑,氫離子(濃度的)負指數(shù)指示劑
matrass 卵形瓶
litmus 石蕊
litmus paper 石蕊試紙
burette 滴定管
retort 曲頸甑
still 蒸餾釜
cupel 烤缽
量杯 measuring cup
燒杯 beaker 不銹鋼杯stainless-steel beaker
量筒 measuring flask/measuring cylinder 量筒 graduated flask/measuring cylinder
坩堝 crucible 坩堝鉗 crucible clamp 坩堝 crucible pot, melting pot
試管 test tube 試管架 test tube holder
漏斗 funnel 分液漏斗 separatory funnel
燒瓶 flask 錐形瓶 conical flask
塞子 stopper
洗瓶 plastic wash bottle
滴定管 burette
玻璃活塞 stopcock
冷凝器 condenser
試劑瓶 reagent bottles
玻棒 glass rod 攪拌棒stirring rod
蒸餾燒瓶 distilling flask
碘量瓶 iodine flask
表面皿 watch glass
蒸發(fā)皿 evaporating dish
容量瓶 volumetric flask/measuring flask
移液管 (one-mark) pipette
刻度移液管 graduated pipettes
稱量瓶weighing bottle
天平 balance/scale
分析天平 analytical balance
臺秤 platform balance
游碼 crossbeams and sliding weights
酒精燈alcohol burner
酒精噴燈blast alcohol burner
攪拌裝置 stirring device
洗耳球 rubber suction bulb
研磨缽 mortar 研磨棒 pestle 瑪瑙研缽agate mortar
瓷器 porcelain
白細口瓶flint glass solution bottle with stopper
滴瓶 dropping bottle 小滴管 dropper
蒸餾裝置distilling apparatus
蒸發(fā)器 evaporator
adapter 接液管, 連接管,接頭
air condenser 空氣冷凝管
beaker 燒杯
boiling flask 燒瓶
boiling flask-3-neck 三口燒瓶
burette clamp 滴定管夾
burette stand 滴定架臺
Busher funnel 布氏漏斗
Claisen distilling head 減壓蒸餾頭
condenser-Allihn type 球型冷凝管
condenser-west tube 直型冷凝管
crucible tongs 坩堝鉗
crucible with cover 帶蓋的坩堝
distilling head 蒸餾頭
distilling tube 蒸餾管
Erlenmeyer flask 錐型瓶
evaporating dish (porcelain) 瓷蒸發(fā)皿
filter flask(suction flask) 抽濾瓶
florence flask 平底燒瓶
fractionating column 分餾柱
Geiser burette (stopcock) 酸氏滴定管
graduated cylinder 量筒
Hirsch funnel 赫氏漏斗
long-stem funnel 長頸漏斗
medicine dropper 滴管
Mohr burette for use with pinchcock堿氏滴定管
Mohr measuring pipette 量液管
mortar 研缽
pestle 研杵
pinch clamp 彈簧節(jié)流夾
plastic squeeze bottle 塑料洗瓶
reducing bush 大變小轉換接頭
rubber pipette bulb 吸耳球
screw clamp 螺旋夾
separatory funnel 分液漏斗
stemless funnel 無頸漏斗
test tube holder 試管夾
test tube 試管
Thiele melting point tube 提勒熔點管
transfer pipette 移液管
tripod 三角架
volumetric flask 容量瓶
watch glass 表皿
wide-mouth bottle 廣口瓶
Materials used in our laboratory:實驗用材料
Rotor 轉子
Air filter (Laminar flow cabinet)空氣過濾器
pH meter pH計
Graduated pipette帶有刻度的吸管
Graduated cylinder量筒
Sealing equipment封口設備
Electrophoresis power supply 電泳電源
Thermostatic ciculator 恒溫循環(huán)儀
Vacuum pump 真空泵
Vacuum manifold多頭抽真空裝置
Eppendorf tube微量離心管
Inverted microscope倒置顯微鏡
Cover glass蓋玻片
Electronic balance電子天平
Centrifuge tube離心管
Air conditioner空調機
Power supply電源
Power transformer電源變壓器
Mini-monitor G-M tube
Gel system凝膠系統(tǒng)
Shaker 搖床
Vortexing machine 振蕩器
Pipette tip吸管端
Vacuum line真空線
Vacuum traps 真空閥
Whatman (filter) paper華特門濾紙
Ultraviolet illumination紫外燈
Gel tank電泳槽
Comb 電泳用的梳子
Teeth of comb 梳子齒
Support tooth 梳子最兩邊的齒,一般略高于其他齒,起支撐作用
Horizontal agrose gels 水平瓊脂糖凝膠
Glass plate玻璃片
Electrical leads電線
Xylene cyanol FF二甲苯苯胺FF
Laminar flow cabinet層流柜
Volumetric flask容量瓶
Shifting spanner
Gel tray凝膠板
Bolt 螺栓,插銷
Nut, Cap nut鎖緊螺母
Screw driver旋鑿
Duplicator, copying machine復印機
Copy paper復印紙
Carbon paper復寫紙
Nail 釘,(指)甲
Alarm clock鬧鐘
Staple U形釘
Globe 眼球,球
Coat hanger衣服掛鉤
Shifting spanner 扳手
Stapler 訂書機
staple 訂書釘
Gel tray 凝膠電泳槽
Refill 圓珠筆芯
Globe 燈泡
Plastic wrap:保鮮膜
Rack: 試管架
heat blocker:保溫加熱器
analysis 分解
fractionation 分餾
endothermic reaction 吸熱反應
exothermic reaction 放熱反應
precipitation 沉淀
to precipitate 沉淀
to distil, to distill 蒸餾
distillation 蒸餾
to calcine 煅燒
to oxidize 氧化
alkalinization 堿化
to oxygenate, to oxidize 脫氧,氧化
to neutralize 中和
to hydrogenate 氫化
to hydrate 水合,水化
to dehydrate 脫水
fermentation 發(fā)酵
solution 溶解
combustion 燃燒
fusion, melting 熔解
alkalinity 堿性
isomerism, isomery 同分異物現(xiàn)象
hydrolysis 水解
electrolysis 電解
electrode 電極
anode 陽極,正極
cathode 陰極,負極
catalyst 催化劑
catalysis 催化作用
oxidization, oxidation 氧化
reducer 還原劑
dissolution 分解
synthesis 合成
reversible 可逆的
白細口瓶flint glass solution bottle with stopper
棕細口瓶 brown glass solution bottle with stopper
白廣口瓶flint glass solid bottle with stopper
棕色滴瓶brown glass dr-opping bottle
白色滴瓶flint glass dr-opping bottle
塑料洗瓶plastic wash bottle
漏斗funnel & separation
瓷布氏漏斗coors filtering crucible for bitumens
布氏砂心漏斗buchner funnerl with fritted disc
球形分液漏斗globe-shaped funnel
梨形分液漏斗pear-shaped funnel
蒸發(fā)、冷凝、抽提器condensor & extractor
索氏抽提裝置soxhlet apparatus with allihn condenser
抽提筒soxhlet extraction tube
抽提冷凝管allihn condenser wih straight outlet tube
球形冷凝管economical allihn condenser
蛇形冷凝管graham condenser
直形冷凝管 condenser distillation column
逆流冷凝管reflux condenser
蒸餾裝置distilling apparatus
旋轉蒸發(fā)器rotary evaporator
石油產品蒸餾儀petroleum distilling apparatus
比色管毛細管glass microbore tube
標準篩test sieve
震動篩lab sieve shaker
常備用品lab. fitting equipment
玻璃燒杯glass beaker
聚四氟乙烯燒杯ptfe griffin beaker
塑料燒杯plastic beaker
不銹鋼杯stainless-steel beaker
玻璃瓶flask三角瓶conical flask
具塞三角瓶conical flask with stopper
支管蒸餾燒瓶distilling flas
k凱氏燒瓶kjeldahl flask
抽濾瓶accessory flask with side arm
碘量瓶flask iodine
表面皿watch glass
帶柄表面皿watch glass with handle
砂心坩堝gooch filtering crucible
稱量皿low-form weighing bottle
打孔器stopper borer
石棉網(wǎng)asbestos-free wire gauze
電爐絲wire coil for heater
脫脂棉absorbent cottonph
試紙(廣泛) universal ph indicator paper
圓形定性濾紙qualitative grade filter circles
方形定性濾紙qualitative grade rectangular filter sheets
稱量紙weighing paper
擦鏡紙wiper for lens
標簽紙 paper label
樣品推車lab cart
定時鐘traceable timer
油脂取樣器oil sampler
液體取樣器liquid sampler
原糧扦樣器needle-point sampler
取樣鏟 scoop煤氣燈bunsen burner
計量儀器measuring instrument
刻度移液管graduated pipette
大肚移液管volumetric pipet
微量進樣器microliter syringe
定量加液器bottle- top dispenser
容量瓶flask volumetric
稱量瓶weighing bottle
研磨缽clear glass mortar
研磨棒clear glass pestle
瑪瑙研缽agate mortar
瑪瑙研磨棒agate pestle
瓷坩堝coors porcelain crucible
過濾瓷坩堝coors porcelain gooch filtering crucible
蒸發(fā)皿coors porcelain porcelain dish
具柄蒸發(fā)皿coors porcelain casserole
鋁盒aluminium specimen box
玻璃棒glass stirring rod
三口連接管tube with two joints
牛角彎頭vacuum connecting tube
溫度計套管bevel-seal inlet adapter
真空干燥器vacuum-pressure desiccator
酒精燈alcohol burner
酒精噴燈blast alcohol burner
升降臺lab jack
三角架clay pipe iron-wire triangle
鐵架臺iron support
萬能夾extension clamp
蝴蝶夾double-buret clamp
雙頂絲clamp regular holder
止水夾flatjaw pinchcock
圓形漏斗架cast-iron ring
移液管架pipet rack
滴水架dry rack
試管架tube rack
比色管架沸石boiling stone
橡膠管rubber tubing
真空泵管tygon vacuum tubing
透明pvc管clear pvc tubing
橡膠塞rubber stopper
吸耳球bulb for pipet
乳膠帽漏斗刷funnel or graduate brush
試劑瓶刷bottle brush
離心管刷centrifuge tube brush
滴定管刷buret brush
試管刷tube brush
比色管刷nessler tube brush
容量瓶刷volumetric flask brush
燒杯刷beaker brush
移液管刷brush for transfer pipets
取樣籃collapsible carrier
密封樣品袋seal sample bag
藥匙lab spoon
坩堝鉗crucible tong
白容量瓶flint glass flask volumetric
棕色容量瓶brown glass flask volumetric
量筒volumetric cylinder
量筒measuring cylinder
具塞量筒mixing cylinder with stopper
量杯glass graduates with scale
白滴定管(酸) flint glass burette with glass stopcock
棕色滴定管(酸) brown glass burette with glass stopcock
白滴定管(堿) flint glass burette for alkali
棕色滴定管(堿) brown glass burette for alkali
聚四氟乙烯旋塞滴管flint glass burette with ptfe stopcock
數(shù)顯半自動滴定儀digital buret
自動滴定儀automatic titrator
比重瓶specific gravity bottle
水銀溫度計mercury-filled thermometer
紅水溫度計red-spirit-filled thermometer
精密溫度計fractional-degree thermometer
石油密度計hydrometerph計ph meter
天平analytical balance
電導率儀分光光度計真空泵vacuum pump
冷、熱浴bath循環(huán)冷卻器refrigerating circulator
數(shù)顯循環(huán)水浴鍋digital circulating water bath
循環(huán)加熱器heating circulator
高溫加熱器(油浴) high-temperature circulator(oil bath)
加熱水浴鍋digital heating circulating water bath
往復振蕩水浴鍋reciprocating shaker bath
勞動防護用品safety equip.
全棉工作服cotton lab coat
袖套dafety sleevelet
隔熱手套heat insulation gloves
防護眼鏡safety spectacle
耐酸堿手套anti-erode glove
安全帽motorcycle safety helmet
洗眼器eyewash equipment
急救藥箱first aid pyxides
消防器材fire protection equipment
洗滌用品 things for washing
防滑墊lab mat
粉碎攪拌設備mill & mixer
粉碎磨cyclone sample mill
剪切磨cutting mill
磁力攪拌器magnetic stirrer
電動攪拌器power basic stirrer
數(shù)顯電熱攪拌器digital stirring hotplate
烘箱oven閃點儀flash point tester
萬用電爐wire coil heater
微波爐電熱套heating mantle
原子發(fā)射光譜儀 Atomic Emission Spectrometer AES
電感偶合等離子體發(fā)射光譜儀 Inductive Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer ICP
直流等離子體發(fā)射光譜儀 Direct Current Plasma Emission Spectrometer DCP
紫外-可見光分光光度計 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer UV-Vis
微波等離子體光譜儀 Microwave Inductive Plasma Emission Spectrometer MIP
原子吸收光譜儀 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy AAS
原子熒光光譜儀 Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy AFS
傅里葉變換紅外光譜儀 FT-IR Spectrometer FTIR
傅里葉變換拉曼光譜儀 FT-Raman Spectrometer FTIR-Raman
氣相色譜儀 Gas Chromatograph GC
高壓/效液相色譜儀 High Pressure/Performance Liquid Chromatography HPLC
離子色譜儀 Ion Chromatograph
凝膠滲透色譜儀 Gel Permeation Chromatograph GPC
體積排阻色譜 Size Exclusion Chromatograph SEC
X射線熒光光譜儀 X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer XRF
X射線衍射儀 X-Ray Diffractomer XRD
同位素X熒光光譜儀 Isotope X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
電子能譜儀 Electron Energy Disperse Spectroscopy
能譜儀 Energy Disperse Spectroscopy EDS
質譜儀 Mass Spectrometer MS
ICP-質譜聯(lián)用儀 ICP-MS ICP-MS
氣相色譜-質譜聯(lián)用儀 GC-MS GC-MS
液相色譜-質譜聯(lián)用儀 LC-MS LC-MS
核磁共振波譜儀 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer NMR
電子順磁共振波譜儀 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer ESR
極譜儀 Polarograph
伏安儀 Voltammerter
自動滴定儀 Automatic Titrator
電導儀 Conductivity Meter
pH計 pH Meter
水質分析儀 Water Test Kits
電泳儀 Electrophoresis System
表面科學 Surface Science
電子顯微鏡 Electro Microscopy
光學顯微鏡 Optical Microscopy
金相顯微鏡 Metallurgical Microscopy
掃描探針顯微鏡 Scanning Probe Microscopy
表面分析儀 Surface Analyzer
無損檢測儀 Instrument for Nondestructive Testing
物性分析 Physical Property Analysis
熱分析儀 Thermal Analyzer
粘度計 Viscometer
流變儀 Rheometer
粒度分析儀 Particle Size Analyzer
熱物理性能測定儀 Thermal Physical Property Tester
電性能測定儀 Electrical Property Tester
光學性能測定儀 Optical Property Tester
機械性能測定儀 Mechanical Property Tester
燃燒性能測定儀 Combustion Property Tester
老化性能測定儀 Aging Property Tester
生物技術分析 Biochemical analysis
PCR儀 Instrument for Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR
DNA及蛋白質的測序和合成儀 Sequencers and Synthesizers for DNA and Protein
傳感器 Sensors
其他 Other/Miscellaneous
流動分析與過程分析 Flow Analytical and Process Analytical Chemistry
氣體分析 Gas Analysis
基本物理量測定 Basic Physics
樣品處理 Sample Handling
金屬/材料元素分析儀 Metal/material elemental analysis
環(huán)境成分分析儀 CHN Analysis
發(fā)酵罐 Fermenter
生物反應器 Bio-reactor
搖床 Shaker
離心機 Centrifuge
超聲破碎儀 Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor
超低溫冰箱 Ultra-low Temperature Freezer
恒溫循環(huán)泵 Constant Temperature Circulator
超濾器 Ultrahigh Purity Filter
凍干機 Freeze Drying Equipment
部分收集器 Fraction Collector
氨基酸測序儀 Protein Sequencer
氨基酸組成分析儀 Amino Acid Analyzer
多肽合成儀 Peptide synthesizer
DNA測序儀 DNA Sequencers
DNA合成儀 DNA synthesizer
紫外觀察燈 Ultraviolet Lamp
分子雜交儀 Hybridization Oven
PCR儀 PCR Amplifier
化學發(fā)光儀 Chemiluminescence Apparatus
紫外檢測儀 Ultraviolet Detector
電泳 Electrophoresis
CO2培養(yǎng)箱 CO2 Incubators
倒置顯微鏡 Inverted Microscope
超凈工作臺 Bechtop
流式細胞儀 Flow Cytometer
微生物自動分析系統(tǒng) Automatic Analyzer for Microbes
生化分析儀 Biochemical Analyzer
血氣分析儀 Blood-gas Analyzer
電解質分析儀 Electrolytic Analyzer
尿液分析儀 Urine Analyzer
臨床藥物濃度儀 Analyzer for Clinic Medicine Concentration
血球計數(shù)器 Hematocyte Counter